Potting Shed Ideas For Winter
Date Published: October 22nd, 2020
Just because the cold weather has set in, doesn’t mean you have to give up gardening for the season. Take it indoors with a garden potting shed that will keep your fingers green through autumn/winter.
Potting sheds are designed with extra height taken into consideration so you can stand up comfortably. Here are some simple potting shed ideas for this winter:
Get organised
Potting sheds are a great place to store all your gardening odds and ends, but let’s be honest, we often keep things around when they’re not really needed anymore.
Take a couple of days to really get the shed organised and discard anything that’s no longer necessary. Tidy up your pots, remove things that shouldn’t really be in there and make it a place that you’ll be happy to spend time in.
Make your own potting soil
Of course it’s easy enough to buy your own potting soil, but if you want to keep yourself busy through winter you can easily make your own. Plus, it can save you a lot of money in the long run too.
You’ll need time when making your own potting soil so the ingredients can blend together making it the most nutritional soil for your plants. Plus, by making your own you’ll be able to cater to your specific plants’ needs.
Create a tool hanger
If you’re sick of spending time looking for the tools you need, then creating a tool hanger using a peg board is a great potting shed idea. They’re a great way of hanging up the tools so you can easily see where everything is and this can end up being a big time saver.
Get creative with your pots
Spend the winter time making your own designs for your pots for the new season. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, simply painting them with chalk paint and being able to write on which plant is which can work beautifully. You could even get the children involved with this and have them create their own pots.
Plants to grow in winter
If your potting shed can provide some warmth to plants then it might be worth planting some seeds in January. You can pot Dianthus, Begonias and Geraniums in winter, giving them plenty of time to blossom. Their beautiful array of colours make them a perfect addition to any garden.
Produce to grow in your potting shed
As far as potting shed ideas go, giving your health a kick start in January by growing some fresh produce is one of the best things you can do. Spinach and lettuce are great leaf options that need plenty of light and you can even grow some delicious rosemary. The rosemary can also make a beautiful plant for the kitchen and that way it’ll always be on hand for cooking.
You can even start growing your strawberries in your potting shed in January, they’ll need some cover at first and hopefully you’ll have a beautiful strawberry crop to see you through the whole of summer.